Enter Into His Passion

Lent: Our Passion, Death, & Resurrection

Prepare your hearts for an exciting adventure that will change your entire life. Every year Catholic youth and young adults in New York join the Church throughout the world on this journey of faith, hope and love, committing themselves to Christ. In this journey, each one of us will be sharing as One Body in the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus. The experience is tremendous and once again, LIFE CHANGING.

This section of the Defenders of the Holy Trinity is to help youth and young adult leaders gain insight for their group or ministries to enter into a personal encounter with Jesus through the Lenten Season. Many of our youth and young adults struggle to understand the importance of this season, so it is our responsibility to learn and teach them about Ash Wednesday, Lent, Palm Sunday, and the Holy Tridium (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter).

We invite Youth and Young Adult Leaders, Parents, Catechist Teachers, Priests, Religious and Coordinators of groups to contribute ideas and methods of promoting, educating, and guiding youth and young adults through the season. Send us an e-mail to DEFENDERSOFTHEHOLYTRINITY@GMAIL.COM with name, telephone number, address, and e-mail.

We hope that this section would slowly break the confusion or the lack of devotion to this most important season. Spread the word!