Do you see yourself teaching youth or young adults about the Catholic faith? Have you ever been challenged to explain what you believe?
Our question to you; "Think God’s calling you to teach youth and young adults to defend their Catholic Faith?"
DHT is looking for those, men and women, interested in bringing the Gospel to youth and young adult communities in New York. Our mission might be what you’re looking for. DHT is an “apostolate dedicated to the service of Catholic youth and young adults, desiring to lead them to greater conversion and holiness, thus building up the Kingdom of God – the Church. The Defenders of the Holy Trinity do this by way of evangelization, apologetics, and catechesis, responding to the call of Our Lord and those of Sts. Peter and Paul. Evangelization – 'Preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke and exhort…' (2 Tim, 4:2); that of St. Peter, Apologetics – 'Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone …' (1 Pet. 3:15); and that of Our Lord, Catechesis – "Go therefore and make disciples… teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. '(Matt. 28 19-20)."
Might this mission be for you?