Sainthood Devotion T-Shirts:

SAINTHOOD DEVOTION T-SHIRTS: Again, Exodus 40 and DHT are working on Sainthood Devotion T-Shirts for Parishes who want inspire their community to build devotion, and to strengthen their mission work in their Boundary. This campaign, like SAINTHOOD: CHOICE OF A NEW GENERATION & BE AN ECHO OF THE GOSPEL are images and messages that will inspire Catholic youth, young adults and adults to be HOLY each day. We need YOU to be the messengers! Purchase on our Patron Saint       T-Shirt for yourself, your family, friends, youth groups, Faith Formation Program, Youth Ministry, or parish groups. See sizes and prices below.

Every day should be a time for Holiness!


Fill out the form, and we will call you as soon as possible!

Brought to you by DHT, The Uncanny Catholic Channel, and Exodus Printing 

St Theresa of Lisieux - Saint Devotion T-Shirts

QUEEN OF ANGELS: Original Image of Statue - Queen of Angels Church, Sunnyside NY

Q of A T-Shirt


St Joseph - Saint Devotion T-Shirts

Corpus Christi T-Shirts