Heavenly Father
Throughout all of history, you have called holy men such as Saints Stephen and Philip to take up the mission of caring for Your flock. You called many to take up the Cross of Christ as Deacon, because You knew that Your priests needed the help in proclaiming the Gospel throughout the world. Give to our Deacons the fire of Your Spirit as You gave to Saints Stephen and Philip. Give to them the courage of St. Stephen, to face his enemy, Satan, with the Cross and the Word of God, as they go forth to call the fallen away back to the flock of Christ. Give them the wisdom of St. Philip, so that they may bring a spiritual conversion to a city filled with the misconception of Jesus and His Church. Let their very lives proclaim Jesus as Master of the World. May they be examples for the young men who are considering the call to the Diaconate. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen!
Apostle’s Creed
Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...
Sts. Stephen and Philip, Pray for our Deacons and for the Vocations of Diaconate.