Heavenly Father
You called our Holy Father, Pope N., to be the shepherd of the flock in the image of Your Son Jesus Christ. We pray that you continue to grant him good health and great wisdom to lead us to Jesus our Savior. We pray also for our Bishops and Priests who carry the name of Jesus within their very being, that they who share in the Priesthood of Jesus, may be strengthened by His Body and Blood. We pray that they may continue to be spiritual fathers and examples of Christ before a world, which finds itself in darkness. May they be "Light of the World", and "Salt of the Earth."
We pray also for our Cardinal / Archbishop / Bishop, N of our Archdiocese / Diocese that God will grant him strength to defend and feed his flock with the courage and spiritual strength of a father. We pray also that his priest would be inspired by his example, so that the Word of God would make of us a Holy Flock, destined to be with Jesus in Heaven. May our pastor, N. and the priests of our parish be filled with the grace of our Father in Heaven. May they be examples of Christian virtue, and inspire the young to the vocation of the Priesthood. May the youth of our parish see our Holy Father, our Cardinals, our Archbishops, our Bishops, and our Priests, as Images of Christ, so they may be filled with courage to hear the call and follow Jesus to His Eternal Priesthood. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen!
Apostle’s Creed
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory Be...